1960’s Upsilon Psi Omega Scrap Book

Throughout the '60's Bill Berencsi collected pictures of several frat activities and events. Many are shown here.

I'm sure a few of our frat brothers wish some of these pictures had not been saved. However, they were, and there all here for public viewing.  Don't forget to "click" on the music bar below and listen to some "memory" music while perusing this page. Use the "Contact Us" page to let us know if you can add any stories to these pictures.

Goofing off

A term used for engaging in recreation or an idle pastime while obligations of work or society are neglected. Common obligations neglected in the course of goofing off include schoolwork, paid employment, social courtesies and the expectations of relations.


Ron Murray entertaining "the troops" with a Jerry Lewis skit.


Ron continuing the show with best supporting actor nominee John Kuruziak.


Marcel Litalien looking tough on his 500cc one cylinder Matchless bike. You had to be tough to ride that thing.


Jesse Berencsi, Ross Borham, and Bob Dixon having a BBQ at Bob's house while Bob's parents are away.

At Wasaga Beach for a week-end of camping.


L to R: Dennis Cunningham and Butch Carry. Not sure what Dennis is up to here but is was obviously entertaining.


L to R: Gary Wylde, Yvon Bolduc, Jesse Berencsi, Butch Carry, and Dennis Cunningham. Looks like Jesse was trying to pick a fight with Dennis. It's amazing what beer will do to a Canadian.

Still at Wasaga Beach


Front Row L to R: Dennis Cunningham, Jesse Berencsi, Marcel Litalien, Yvon Bolduc, Domenic Calebretta. Back Row L to R: Alf Sage, & Gary Wylde.


L to R: Yvon Bolduc, unknown, Marcel Litalien, unknown (with the straw hat), and Jesse Berencsi


That's a strong Fred Fox about to body slam big Norm Samuel while Frank Szymusiak looks on.


Norm Samuel doing his WWF bad guy routine.


L to R: Butch Cowell, Herman Brown, Norm Samuel, John Kuruziak, Mike Addario, and Dennis Hughes. Not sure what Norm is doing with John - But he should stop it.


That's Norm Samuel holding Ron Murray while Jim Potyok watches. Norm's at it again.


Ross Borham in Paul Olah's front yard preparing for a golf game at Waterpark Golf & Country Club. Who says our frat has no class.


Jesse Berencsi doing a wheely on Al Chernish's bike at Bob Dixon's house. That's Ross Borham sitting on the lawn.


Al Chernish riding a hot BSA at Bob Dixon's place.


Back Seat L to R: Butch Cowell, John Kuruziak, and Barry Wells.

Front Seat Top to Bottom: Mike Addario, John Ruel, and Bill Dutrizac.

That's Mike's "little" car. I guess he was the designated driver. Although, come to think of it, there were no designated drivers back then - and obviously no seat belts either.


Frat Boom-Ball game at the Welland Arena. First star (on left) Marcel Litalien. Second star (on right) Butch Carry. Fortunately this is a B&W photo and you can't notice the blood.


Where's Waldo!



Too many people here to name. Looks like we were preparing a hall for a frat dance.


There's Waldo!

I'm not sure who he is.


Dances, house parties, stags, and weddings. We were always someplace and always together. The 60's life style for teens created life long bonds. Upsilon Psi Omega is proof of that.

Guy Bisson Wedding


L to R: John Kuruziak, Ross Borham, Guy Bisson, Dennis Huges, Al Chernish, and Butch Carry. Guy in "civies" after changing and getting ready to leave on his honeymoon.


Dominic Calebretta with unidentified at Guy's wedding. That's 3 of the Spartans in the background - Gates, Leon, and Paul.


A few of the Brothers at Guy's wedding. Front L to R: Garry Babbin, Jesse Berencsi, and Butch Carry. Back L to R: Paul Poulin, Dennis Cunningham, Al Chernish, John Kuruziak, and Ross Borham. Notice the bottle of Old Vienna beer in Jesse's hand. Bet you haven't seen that label in a long time.


This had to be a frat party but I can't remember where or what for. Seated L to R: The future Mrs. Bisson and Guy Bisson. Standing on a chair is Marcel Litalian and jumping off the chair is Dennis Hughes.

At Look Out Point for a Tobogganing Party


That's Paul Olah (standing guard) while Al Labatt is getting "supplies" out of the "trunk" of a VW Beetle. Apparently you need more than warm clothes to go tobogganing at Look Out Point.


Front Row L to R: Wayne Labatt, Paul Olah, and Jesse Berencsi. Standing L to R: Al Labatt and Barry Wells. That's the shadow of the photographer - Bill Berencsi.

Still at Look Out Point


That's Wayne Labatt. Okay Wayne, we know you're a musician, we know you're in a band, and we know you can sing, but this is not the right time or place for a Tony Bennett impression.


Barry Wells in the car recovering from injuries sustained from a tobogganing accident at Look Out Point - He didn't Look Out and hit a tree. That's why they call it "Look Out" Barry.


You guessed it - that would be Ron Murray doing his human toboggan run at Chippewa Park. At least there are no trees in front of him - this time.


"Come on in - it's party time" says Dennis Hughes (foreground) and John Kuruziak. Can't remember where this was but they are obviously ready to Rock & Roll.

Preparing for a frat dance at the Casa Dante


L to R: Bill Berencsi, Gill Dupont, and Roger Bouchard.


L to R: John Shimanski and Louis Bernardi getting ready to take in the cash at the front door.

Still preparing the Casa Dante


L to R: Al Labatt, Al Chernish, and John Kuruziak. We know that's John with his back toward us - that sweater was his uniform.


L to R: Bill Berencsi and Tommy Wells. Looks like a "power struggle" in the works.

Under-age drinking at a Stag Party at Emilio Tasinary's house.


L to R: Paul Poulin, Paul Olah, Jesse Berencsi, Al Chernish and unidentified.


L to R: Jack Litalien, Al Chernish, Joe DiSapio, Gates Rodrigue, and unidentified.


Stll at the Stag Party L to R: Joe DiSapio, Barry Wells, Frank Heffner, Emilio Tasinary, Al Chernish, Ron Murry, some unidentified, and Al Labatt against the wall. Looks like Wells is "dumping" on Chernish for some reason.


That's Ross Borham. Not sure where but that grin looks a little evil.