Executives 1962
Left to Right

1. John Kuruziak

2. Frank Szymusiak

3. Bill Potyok

4. Sunny Toth

Executives 1963
Left to Right

1. Ron Hughes

2. Al Labatt

3. Gilles Beauparlant

4. Ross Boreham

Upsilon Psi Omega 1963 Members

Front Row, L to R: Sunny Toth, Ron Hughes, John Kuruziak, Al Labatt, Gilles Beauparlant, Ross Borham, Bill Potyok.

Back Row, L to R: John Ruel, Barry Wells, Bill Dutrizac, Jim Potyok, Art Yacyshyn, Bill Berencsi, Fred Fox, Dennis Hughes, Norm Samuel, Frank Szymusiak, Dave Martin, Unknown, Unknown, Dave McDonnald, Richard Fournier, Mike Addario, Herman Brown, Ron Murray.