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L t R: Bill Wilson, John Wilson at the Slovak Hall on Hager Street in Welland sometime around 1974.
Dennis Zatychies at the same party doing his Diso thing. He actually did this without getting hurt.
L to R Back row: Alfie Wolf, Richard Longfello, John Wilson, Bill Wilson, Don Larman, Dennis Zatychies
L to R Front row: Wayne Gale, Chuck Wilson, Chuck Lee, Wayne Oventon, Al Ley
Group shot at the Slovak Hall party.
L to R: John Wilson, Richard Longfello, Bill Wilson, Dennis Zatychies, Chuck Wilson. The original 5 members of the Next Generation Frat. Still at the Slovak Hall.
Around the table L to R. Richard Longfellow, Chuck Lee, Al Ley, Wayne Oventon, and Dennis Zatychies with their dates.
Around the table L to R: Don Larman, Bill Wilson, and TBD with their dates.
The Brothers gathered in the Welland High School parking lot. Might have been getting ready for a football game but no one can remember just what they were doing.
L to R: Chuck Wilson, Ramo Sacco
At Welland High - in front parking lot
L to R: Ramo Sacco, Wayne Gale
At Welland High parking lot
L to R: Dave Barnhart, Chuck Wilson, Jim Busch, and Mike Shably just "hangin' out" in the Welland High parking lot. I think they were just checking out the women.
Rob Dussault hanging around Welland High waiting for a football game to start.
L to R: Alfie Wolf, TBD, Wayne Ovenden, and Dennis Zatychies. No idea where this was or what they were doing.
Joe Olah modeling our new spring jacket. Joe was one of our past presidents.
The guys spent a lot of time hanging around in the parking lot of Welland High.
L to R: TBD, TBD. If you know who these guys are - let me know.
L to R: Wayne Gale, TBD, and Rob Dussault still doing nothing at Welland High.
Brian Wiliams
Back row L to R: Alfie Wolfe, Gary Blazek, Richard Longfellow, Rory Bruce
Middle: Doug Caldwell
Front row L to R: Mike Shabley, Wayne Gale, Phil Labatt, Chuck Wilson
At 46 Bishop Road (Wayne Gales back yard)
At 46 Bishop Road (Wayne Gales back yard)
Bottom Tier: Bill Wilson, chuck Wilson, Mike Shabley, Richard Longfellow,
Second Tier: Phil Labatt, Wayne Gale, Gary Blazek,
Third Tier: Doug Caldwell, Norm Bouchard,
Top Tier: Alfie Wolf, Rory Bruce
What goes up - must come down.
After the fall of the Pyramid. All the King's horse and all the King's men...
The Pyramid Group L to R: Rory Bruce, Bill Wilson, Phil Labatt, Richard Longfello, Doug Caldwell, Chuck Wilson, Wayne Gale, Mike Shabley, Alfie Wolf, Gary Blazek, Norm Bouchard
At Plymouth Cordage Soccer Field
L to R: Phil Labatt, Norm Bouchard, Mike Shabley, Gary Blazek, Chuck Wilson, Alfie Wolf, Rory Bruce, Richard Longfellow, Wayne Gale
Wayne Ovenden at the Welland canal back when you could use it freely and have a fun day.
1974 Reunion
Left: The head Table.
Right: Front row knelling is Art Tanouye, Len Venditti, Gary Hayward and Guy Wilson. Standing: Bill Rizzo, Peter Phillips, Rick Robinson, Jim Ellis and Frank Nava. Tim Welychka is at the very bottom.
The frat reunion was held at the Slovak Hall when Rusty Stout and Dave Frost were in the executive.
Damages - We caused some damage to the bathroom and some broken tables from dancing or maybe the beer chugging contest. Luckily, Rusty Stouts Dad was a plumber and he took care of the bathroom issues. Rusty was able to get some help in fixing the tables too, so if I am correct costs were kept to a minimum.
Food Fight - Actually it was only when someone at the head table asked the crowd if anyone had any extra buns. Naturally, there was a brief pause and then everyone started throwing their buns at the head table. It was pretty funny as a hail of buns hit the head table. The head cook from the kitchen came out screaming, “why do you throw buns like stones”, it was a classic moment.
As has been stated in another section of this site "We may have been a little rowdy and not always well behaved, but we were always well dressed".
Left: Peter Phillips (Whitey) and his date Sandra Nagypal.
Right: Leonard Venditti and his date Wendy Toth, the guy standing up in the back ground is Marty Courage.
Left: Our chugging contest, which had heats as we had so many contestants. Right to left: Rod Spendiff, Guy Wilson, and Rick Robinson. Is that a cool suit Rod is wearing or what! Love that 70's look.
Right: Guys jumping on the food cart. Peter Phillips is on the bottom, Leonard Venditti on the 2nd shelf and not sure who is riding on the top level. Mario DiCenso is pushing on the left and Doug Meager is on the right.
Left: Wayne Gale looking very official wearing Chuck Wilson's hat.
Right: . Chuck Wilson and Don Larmen. Chuck was working and came in to check our liquor license.
Initiation "Ceremony"
Initiation was fun and I can still remember during my initiation, then president Mich Ouellett said at the start it would be one of the most awful experiences in your life but one of the best time too. He was so right. The funny thing about my year was that 18 guys were getting initiated and only about 8 guys doing the initiating. it was a blast and I can still remember Bob Dussault and Don Larman arriving in something like a VW bus. The door slid open and Don jumped out in a yellow rain coat and gloves, along with a big white pail of slop. He mentioned they saw a dog doing its thing on the way over, stopped and picked up the droppings and put it in the slop pail He then announced the initiation was now starting.
At least our frat rule was you did not have to put anything in your mouth unless the person giving it to you did it first. This at least protected us from abuse in this regard and unlike some other frats we did not get beaten or paddled. The philosophy was that we were brothers and did not need to beat each other up.
Lots of fond memories.
Art Tanouye
Left: Picture of an initiation ceremony on the canal bank in 1974. Elio D’Amario on left and Dave Frost on right.
Right: Picture of an initiation ceremony on the canal bank in 1974. Mike Shewan being "initiated". That's Sandy Billyard in the plaid jacket holding a can of beer. One of the "initiators".
Left: Picture of initiation on the canal bank in 1974. guy wiping his face might be Tony Ravenda. 2nd guy from right is Randy Welychka.
Frat Football
Welland High
A frat football practice at Welland high before playing a game with Gama Sigma (an Eastdale crowd).
Rob Dussault (#41) dressed for the occasion.
Needs no explanation.
Looks like a staged photo - since they are all on the same team.
Looks like a football practice at Rydell's house on Broadway Avenue.
Football practice at Welland High.