A special thank you to Kandis Litalien for spending the entire evening with us and capturing so many moments to remember. Everyone was thrilled with both her and her work. We all greatly appreciate the effort she put forth to capture these memories.
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The 2019 60 year reunion was a complete success and a total “blast from the past.” Everything went according to plan and the Croatian Hall in Welland really knows how to throw a party. All in all it was an incredible night out with great friends and great food. This truly was a moment to remember.

Paul Olah
Paul Olah, our organizer and host set the stage for the nights events and introduced Tom Wells, our co-founder and first president, who delivered a poignant and highly emotional welcoming address to everyone. And if you believe that, Tom’s got some stuff he’d like to sell to you.

Tom Wells

—— First, a look around the room ——

—— Partners and friends reuniting with old friends ——

Are you sure this frat’s only 60 years old?

I don’t always drink beer, but when I do, ….

It’s alive! It’s alive!

—— And then we danced (sort of) ——

—— And then there were some special moments to remember ——

John Olah and Bob Dixon ran the half & half draw with an offer you couldn’t refuse. Together they were able to collect over $500.00. The pot was won by Wayne Gale who offered to donate the winning back into the Upsilon Psi Omega kitty. The photo shows Wayne trying to give his winnings back to Paul and Bob. Paul refused.

Well, I’m sure you’ve figured this one out by now. That’s Dennis Zatychies at a 1970’s reunion and again at the 2019 reunion. Does he still “have it?” What do you think? The good news here is that no one had to call 911. The bad news is I don’t think he realized he was dancing with a mannequin.

Gary Babin explains the origin of our fraternity’s white summer jacket. He then introduced and recognized Brother Gary Blazik who, for all these years, kept the jacket in pristine condition and drove down from London to attend and donate his prized jacket to the frat archives. However, The two men had a better idea about what to do with the jacket. After getting everyone attending the reunion to sign the jacket, Gary Babin called on Tom Wells, our frat’s co-founder and first president, to come up and receive the jacket as a gift from all his frat Brothers. Then Tom got all emotional.

Paul Olah invited John and Doris Kuruziak to the dance floor to celebrate 50+ years of marriage and dance to a video of their wedding from 1968 which was attended by several frat Brothers. It’s interesting to note that most people spent most of their time watching the wedding video.

What’s wrong with this picture?
Look carefully. The frat letters are being held BACKWARDS! And, this isn’t the first time they’ve done that. After speaking about this to the two (real life) Brothers, each blames the other. However, they must both share the embarrassment.
For the record, this is Cheesy (left) and Gates (right) Rodrigue. Obviously neither understand Greek.

Upsilon Psi Omega was active in recruiting, fund raising, community service, pranks, and parties from 1959 to 1979 when recruiting fell off and the frat went quiet. This picture shows Mike Addario, a “senior” member from 1961 talking to Johnny and Lesley Romano. Johnny is a younger member and was there for the end days in 1979. Over that time, frat culture and activities had changed quite a bit and the two spent some time comparing notes. While the reunion was a huge success, it was somewhat disappointing that Johnny and Lesley were just two of very few from that era that attended the event.

After just getting home to Vancouver from a Southern vacation, Butch Carry, pictured here in the centre flanked by Gates Rodrigue (left) and Marcel Litalian (right) jumped on another long flight to make it to the reunion. A special thanks from all of us goes to Butch for making a herculean effort to be with us.

I’m not quite sure what this was about but it seems to say something about the men of Upsilon Psi Omega or something about the mannequin.